abtipper.de is the market leader for the transcription of audio & video files. Our advantages:
- Fixed prices from 0.19 €/minute
- Qualified specialists
- Absolute confidentiality
- Top references:
for a non-binding offer
Professional translations - uncomplicated and of excellent quality:
Translation of texts
Translation of
audio and video files
Subtitles with translation
€/video minute
100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Texts, documents, presentations
Audio or video files
Video files
Translation as Word file (docx)
Transcript in source language and translation as Word file (docx)
Translation as subtitle file
(srt - other formats on request)
Duration of creation
one day
approx. one week
approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee
German, English, French, Spanish (and many others on request)
German, English, French, Spanish (and many others on request)
German, English, French, Spanish (and many others on request)
Translation of texts
Method : 100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Input : Texts , documents, presentations
Output : Translation as Word file (docx)
Duration of creation : approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee : ✓✓✓
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish (and many more on request)
Translation of
audio and video files
Method : 100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Input : Audio or video files
Output : Transcript in source language and translation as Word file (docx)
Duration of creation : approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee : ✓✓✓✓
Languages: German, English
(many more on request)
Subtitles with translation
€/video minute
Method : 100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Input : Video files
Output : Translation as subtitle file
(srt - other formats on request)
Duration of creation : approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee : ✓✓✓✓
Languages: German, English
(many more on request)
Translation of texts
Translation of
audio and video files
Subtitles with translation
€/video minute
100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Texts, documents, presentations
Audio or video files
Video files
Translation as Word file (docx)
Transcript in source language and translation as Word file (docx)
Translation as subtitle file
(srt - other formats on request)
Duration of creation
one day
approx. one week
approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee
German, English, French, Spanish (and many others on request)
German, English, French, Spanish (and many others on request)
German, English, French, Spanish (and many others on request)
Translation of texts
Method : 100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Input : Texts , documents, presentations
Output : Translation as Word file (docx)
Duration of creation : approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee : ✓✓✓
Languages: German, English, French, Spanish (and many more on request)
Translation of
audio and video files
Method : 100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Input : Audio or video files
Output : Transcript in source language and translation as Word file (docx)
Duration of creation : approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee : ✓✓✓✓
Languages: German, English
(many more on request)
Subtitles with translation
€/video minute
Method : 100% manual with proofreading
(4-eyes principle)
Input : Video files
Output : Translation as subtitle file
(srt - other formats on request)
Duration of creation : approx. one week
Satisfaction, price and confidentiality guarantee : ✓✓✓✓
Languages: German, English
(many more on request)
Do you still have questions? Ask for a non-binding offer on!
abtipper.de is the largest German provider for the transcription of audio and video recordings. Our references for translations:
Übersetzungen von Schweizerdeutsch nach Hochdeutsch
Translations from Swiss German (dialect) into High German written language are even cheaper. We provide these from 2.75 euros per audio minute net (= 3.27 euros incl. VAT). Further information can be found in the additional options.
Professional translations - uncomplicated and of excellent quality:
We are the first provider in Germany to offer you a translation at a fixed price that can be calculated in advance .
The translation is carried out exclusively by experienced native speakers. In addition to German, English, French and Spanish, we translate many other languages on request.
This means that we can offer you fixed prices for your translations in advance. Compared to conventional approaches, we offer considerable price savings without compromising on quality!
Order now!
There are many reasons to choose abtipper.de for your translation:
- Fixed translation prices per word, video or audio minute can be calculated in advance.
- All translations and transcriptions from a single source - at a standard price.
- Extensive experience, especially in translation for companies, market research, science and media.
- Sufficient available capacity for the translation of several thousand audio or video minutes per day.
- Fast return delivery within approx. one week - on request with express options within 3 days or even by the next day (depending on project size and selected tariff).
We are also happy to advise you by phone or e-mail.
More questions and answers about transcription translation
A transcription is the verbatim transcription of an audio and video recording. This is typically done in the same language as the audio file. A translation is the translation into another language. abtipper.de offers a transcription into the same language from 0.19 euros per audio minute. Likewise, an immediate translation of an audio or video file into another target language is also offered from 8.99 euros per audio minute. This can then be delivered as a Word file (e.g. for market research) or as a subtitle file (e.g. for film productions).
✅ How does a transcription with translation work?With a transcription with direct translation an interpreter listens to an audio or video file and records it as a transcript. The translation is then carried out using the original file and the transcript.
✅ What does a transcription with translation cost?The transcription with translation is provided by abtipper.de for a fixed price of 8.99 euros per audio or video minute. You will then receive a finished transcript in the original language and a translation, both as a Word file (docx).
✅ Why is a transcription with translation much cheaper at abtipper.de than at other translation agencies?The fixed price at abtipper.de of 8.99 euros per audio or video minute for the transcription with translation is considerably cheaper than with other translation agencies. The word price for translated texts of 0.10 euros per word is also very reasonable in comparison.
This is because abtipper.de is the largest German provider for the transcription of audio and video files and has a large number of translators at its disposal, which means that it can always select the person who can then translate the file to a very high quality, but at the same time quickly and therefore inexpensively.