abtipper.de is the market leader for the transcription of audio and video files. Our advantages:
- Fixed prices from 1.20 €/minute
- Qualified specialists
- Absolute confidentiality
for a non-binding offer
Professional transcriptions
unkompliziert und in exzellenter Qualität
Our prices
Price guarantee: If you find a cheaper provider, we will refund you the difference!
Clean verbatim
Transcription method
100% manual
Usual use
Market research, journalism, film productions -
Accuracy: ★★★★ Very high
Transcription rules
Simple -
Duration of creation:
approx. one week -
At no extra charge
Foreign language recordings, many speakers, limited sound quality
Clean verbatim with proofreading
Transcription method
100% manual with proofreading (4-eyes principle) -
Usual use
Scientific research and theses -
Accuracy: ★★★★★ Excellent
Transcription rules
Simple with proofreading -
Duration of creation:
approx. one week -
At no extra charge
Foreign language recordings, many speakers, limited sound quality
Full verbatim
Transcription method
100% manual with proofreading (4-eyes principle) -
Usual use
Linguistic research and theses -
Accuracy: ★★★★★ Excellent
Transcription rules
Extended with proofreading -
Duration of creation
approx. one week -
At no extra charge
Foreign language recordings, many speakers, limited sound quality
* The only exception: The conversion from Swiss German to High German written language costs a surcharge of 1.10 euros per audio minute net (= 1.31 euros incl. VAT) due to the increased effort involved.
At the bottom of this page you will find explanations of the products, services and additional options offered (e.g. Express).
Our guarantee
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We offer you threefold security with all our transcriptions
Satisfaction guarantee
100% guaranteed satisfaction or money back
Price guarantee
If you find a cheaper provider on the Internet, we will refund you the difference
Confidentiality guarantee
Maximum data protection with full confidentiality in accordance with GDPR
We guarantee you: Transcriptions at fixed prices that can be calculated in advance without hidden costs
- No advance payment: You will receive the finished transcripts for checking and only then our invoice with VAT shown.
- Fixed contact person (project manager) for the entire duration of the project
- No file size limit: You will receive an upload link after ordering and can send us files up to 30 GB.
- Transcription carried out exclusively by sufficiently qualified specialists with relevant experience
- Complete deletion of the data after completion of the project
- No file format restrictions: We create transcripts from all audio and video formats.
*We are also very flexible and can implement your organization's specific data protection requirements and measures.
Details about the products
Clean verbatim
With simple transcription, your recording is transcribed by an experienced transcriber. The transcriber writes the file and listens to the entire recording again at the end to correct any errors.
Typically, this achieves a very high level of quality even without additional proofreading. With simple transcription, the spoken content is reproduced verbatim and without distortions.
Elements that are not relevant to the content, such as dialect, stuttering, umms and hmhs, are slightly smoothed out.
The most common fields of application for simple transcription are market research (e.g. focus groups), journalism (e.g. interviews) and film productions (e.g. dialog books).
Click here for more information on the transcription rules and for an example transcript as a result of a simple transcription.
Scientific transcription
With scientific transcription, your recording is transcribed by an experienced transcriber with extensive experience in the scientific field. This person transcribes the file word-for-word, as with simple transcription, with minimal smoothing of dialect, stutters, umms and hmhs. The complete recording is then listened to again as a check.
A second separate person (proofreader) then checks the transcript again in full. This double check with the dual control principle ensures an excellent level of quality.
Scientific transcription is useful if a very precise transcript is important to you. This is the case, for example, if the transcript is not only analyzed but also published. At some universities, the flawless quality of the transcripts is also taken into account when grading final theses, for which scientific transcription is indispensable.
The most common form of application for scientific transcription is - as you might expect - the scientific field. We usually transcribe qualitative interviews for research projects or for a bachelor's, master's or doctoral thesis.
Click here for more information on transcription rules and an example of a scientific transcript.
Full verbatim
With extended transcription, your recording is transcribed by a highly experienced transcriber. Not only the content-related statements are recorded, but also all verbal and non-verbal utterances (e.g. dialect, umms, hmhs, stuttering, clearing of the throat, etc.). Furthermore, the exact time of all speaker changes is recorded with a time stamp.
The process is the same as for scientific transcription. First, the first transcriber writes the file and then listens to the complete recording again to check it. Then a second person (proofreader) checks the transcript again in full.
Extended transcriptions are mainly used in linguistic studies. In these, the language content is only one of the levels of analysis. The other verbal and non-verbal signals are also transcribed and analyzed later.
Click here for an example of an extended transcript.
Wir transkribieren standardmäßig nach unseren eigenen erweiterten Transkriptionsregeln (für 2,20 Euro pro Audiominute netto = 2,62 Euro inkl. MwSt.). Gerne erstellen wir aber auch Transkripte nach anderen spezifischen Verfahren, für die dann jeweils individuelle Festpreise gelten, z. B.
Dresing and Pehl (2013, 2018)(Further information and prices)
TiQ (Talk in Qualitative Social Research) according to Bohnsack (1989) (price of 3.60 euros per audio minute net = 4.28 euros incl. VAT)
GAT2 basic transcript (price on request, minimum volume of 25 minutes due to familiarization effort)
Details of the services
Transcription rules
abtipper.de has developed its own scientifically citable transcription rules as a result of years of experience. Of course, we are also familiar with other common methods and can create your transcripts according to your individual specifications for transcription rules.
Accuracy of the transcript
Our simple, scientific and extended transcripts are created by experienced professionals. The results therefore achieve a very high level of quality.
Unter folgendem Link finden Sie für jedes Produkt ein beispielhaftes Transkript, um sich von unserer Qualität zu überzeugen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass bei Gruppendiskussionen mit mehr als 5 Personen die Sprecherzuordnung nur dann eindeutig erfolgen kann, wenn Videomaterial vorhanden ist. Ohne visuelle Unterstützung kann es schwierig sein, die einzelnen Stimmen korrekt zuzuordnen.
Duration of creation
As the largest German provider of transcriptions, we currently have the capacity to manually transcribe several thousand audio or video minutes per day.
We therefore also have sufficient free capacity for your project. If you provide us with large volumes of files, you will receive the transcripts back within about a week on average.
Sometimes a good transcription result can take a little more time. This is especially the case if your file is particularly challenging (e.g. strong dialects) or if there are holidays coming up (e.g. Christmas time). Translations can also take a little longer, especially for more complicated language combinations (e.g. Arabic -> German). If you are in a hurry and require a quicker return delivery, we recommend our express options with guaranteed return delivery dates within three days or even the next day (see "Additional options" further down the page).
For the 3-day express service we charge a surcharge of EUR 0.65 per audio minute net (= EUR 0.77 incl. VAT)
For the 1-day express service we charge a surcharge of EUR 1.40 per audio minute net (= EUR 1.67 incl. VAT)
Wenn Sie es noch schneller (also z.B. noch am gleichen Tag) benötigen, dann ist das normalerweise auch möglich. Hierfür sollten Sie uns aber unbedingt vorab telefonisch unter 0511-51515817 kontaktieren.
We currently have sufficient capacity to process even very large and complex orders very quickly.
Additional options for transcriptions
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abtipper offers a range of additional options: express service, time stamp, foreign languages, translations and smoothing. In the table you will find the conditions of the additional options, further details below the table.
Clean verbatim
Prices from 1.20 €/min for simple transcription. The additional costs for each additional option can be found below.-
Clean verbatim with proofreading: +0.20 €/min
3-day express: +0.65 €/min
1-day express: +1.40 €/min
Time stamps: +0.20 €/min
Clean read: +0.65 €/min
Transcription of foreign-language recordings: At no extra charge
Full verbatim
Prices from €2.20/min for extended transcription. The additional costs for each additional option can be found below.-
3-day express: +0.65 €/min -
1-day express: +1.40 €/min
Time stamps: At no extra charge
Clean read: not useful
Transcription of foreign-language recordings: At no extra charge
Our price guarantee also applies to the additional options: we are the cheapest provider of transcriptions on the Internet. If you have files transcribed by us and find a cheaper provider before or during the project, we will undercut their price. So you are always guaranteed the lowest price with us.
Get transcribed with express service
If it's urgent, we guarantee to return the finished transcript to you within three days or even the next day.
Wenn Sie also am Montag eine Datei mit 3-Tage-Express einliefern, dann erhalten Sie diese garantiert spätestens am Donnerstag zurück.
The calculation applies from receipt of the data. If the return delivery falls on a public holiday or weekend, you will receive the transcript back on the next working day. For example, if you deliver a file on Thursday with 3-day express, you are guaranteed to receive this file back on Monday.
For the 3-day express service, we charge a surcharge of 0.65 euros per audio minute
For the 1-day express service, we charge a surcharge of 1.40 euros per audio minute
Wenn Sie es noch schneller (also z.B. noch am gleichen Tag) benötigen, dann ist das normalerweise auch möglich. Hierfür sollten Sie uns aber unbedingt vorab telefonisch unter 0511-51515817 kontaktieren.
Transcription with time stamps
For the extended transcription, time stamps are already included in the basic price after each speaker change. This can be added as an option for the simple and scientific transcription.
Typischerweise werden die Zeitstempel jeweils vor oder nach einem Sprecherwechsel eingefügt. Das übliche Format hierfür ist #hh:mm:ss#. Alternativ dazu kann auch ein Zeitstempel nach bestimmten Zeitperioden (z. B. minütlich) oder in Sonderformaten (z. B. #hh:mm:ss-ms# für MAXQDA) gesetzt werden.
For transcription with time stamps we charge a surcharge of 0.20 euros per audio minute.
Als Zeit kann entweder die Aufnahmezeit oder eine in der Videoaufnahme eingeblendete Zeit (z. B. bei Filmaufnahmen) herangezogen werden.
Smoothing the transcript
Falls das Transkript jedoch der Schriftsprache angenähert werden soll, kann zusätzlich eine sprachliche Glättung vorgenommen werden. Hier werden z. B. grammatikalische Fehler und Satzabbrüche herausgenommen, um den Text flüssiger lesbar zu machen.
See also the following page for a detailed explanation of smoothing with examples.
The price for smoothing the transcript is a surcharge on top of the basic price for simple or scientific transcription. For a "print-ready" result, we recommend a combination of scientific transcription (proofreading, 4-eyes principle) and smoothing.
We charge an additional fee of 0.65 euros per audio minute for smoothing the transcript.
Transcriptions of foreign language recordings
We currently carry out transcriptions in 80 languages . In English, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian, we offer this at the same price as a German transcription. Recordings with regional accents (e.g. Hessian or Swiss speakers) also cost no extra.
The conversion of recordings in Swiss German into High German transcripts costs EUR 1.10 per audio minute net (= EUR 1.31 incl. VAT) extra. This includes an adaptation or translation of the Swiss dialect into High German.
We also regularly translate large orders into the following languages without prior notice: German (with dialects), Swiss German, English (with dialects), Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Turkish, Arabic, Russian, Danish, Swedish
For the other 60 or so languages in our portfolio, we need a few days' lead time. This is because orders in these languages are relatively rare and we therefore do not employ full-time staff. In this case, we have to activate our local partners for each project, which takes a few days. In most cases, however, we can still deliver your transcript in these languages within a maximum of one week!
Transcription with immediate translation into the target languages English or German
We are currently the only transcription service in Germany to offer you a translation of audio and video files at a fixed price per audio or video minute. In contrast to the usual calculation based on the number of words or lines, we offer you fixed prices per minute for your translations.
We currently offer these translations from 80 source languages into the target languages German and English.
Die Übersetzung erfolgt dabei 100% manuell ausschließlich durch erfahrene muttersprachige Fachkräfte. Unsere Übersetzungen werden z. B. bei internationalen Marktforschungsstudien häufig eingesetzt.
Die Übersetzung von Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch und Russisch in die Zielsprachen Englisch oder Deutsch führen wir durch für einen
Flat rate of 8.99 euros per audio minute net (= 10.70 euros incl. VAT)
For all other source languages, please contact us in advance so that we can make you an individual offer.
You send us the foreign-language audio or video files and receive the finished translation in German or English as a Word file. You will also receive the transcript in the original language.
Alternatively, we offer a translation of texts and documents at a flat rate of EUR 0.10 per word net (= EUR 0.12 incl. VAT).
Wir bieten auf Anfrage auch andere Sprachkombinationen an, sprechen Sie uns einfach an. Hier finden Sie weitere ausführliche Informationen zur Transkription mit Übersetzung.
Frequently asked questions
- Linguistic peculiarities
- Number and speaking order of call participants
- Alternation of question and answer
- extra-linguistic actions
- non-verbal expressions
- the spelling of industry and company-specific terms
As a team of highly qualified specialists, we offer the transcription of audio or video recordings at a fair price per minute. In addition to many years of experience in listening to and transcribing acoustic originals, our employees have knowledge of various vocabularies and writing techniques. We undertake transcriptions in 80 languages, taking into account their respective characteristics in the typeface. Our team works quickly, reliably and with absolute confidentiality. We treat the contents of the files sent to us with the utmost discretion, so that internal company information, real names, patient data, statistical surveys and similar details are used exclusively for the required transcription.
Data protection at abtipper
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We would like to assure you that the protection of your data is our highest priority.
To achieve this goal, we take comprehensive technical and organizational precautions to ensure that your data is stored securely with us.
Data protection requirements can be complex depending on the university or company. We are therefore flexible and able to meet your organization's specific data protection requirements and measures. So please do not hesitate to contact us!
Principles of data protection
- On request, we will issue you with a separate confidentiality agreement and are prepared to sign your data protection templates (e.g. NDA) or conclude an order processing agreement.
- All employees who come into contact with your data are obliged to maintain the strictest confidentiality.
- We use tools from trustworthy providers who comply with all applicable data protection regulations.
- After completion of the project, your data will be completely deleted.
Further information can be found in our detailed privacy policy
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
We have taken extensive measures to meet the requirements of the GDPR. Our data protection was audited by an independent auditing company and rated as very good.
Although some information is required to place orders with us, we only collect and store the data that is required to successfully process your order and to fulfill our contractual obligations in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit b. GDPR are required. Of course, you are entitled to the rights under Articles 12-23 GDPR, including the right to object to the processing of your personal data.
We will be happy to conclude an order processing contract in accordance with Art. 28 (3) GDPR on request and provide you with a corresponding draft contract. This also includes the information sheet on the technical and organizational measures in accordance with Section 9 BDSG and Art. 32 GDPR.
Transmission paths and data protection
In order to transcribe your audio or video professionally, we naturally need the corresponding files. Our transfer process is extremely flexible and allows you to choose your preferred transfer method, whether online or offline. The standard method for transferring files is Dropbox.
Dropbox is an international company that provides data processing services. Dropbox is committed to complying with the GDPR and has taken appropriate measures to ensure compliance. These include, among others:
Privacy policy
Dropbox has published a privacy policy that explains how personal data is collected, used and protected.
Security measures
Dropbox has implemented security measures to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of data. These include encryption, access controls and regular security checks.
Data transmission
Dropbox provides mechanisms for the secure transmission of data between users and servers, including the use of encryption during transmission (SSL/TLS).
Data processing contracts
Dropbox offers customers the option to enter into a data processing agreement (DPA), which governs the data protection agreements between Dropbox and the customer.
Data protection rights
Dropbox respects users' data protection rights under the GDPR, including the right of access and rectification
We offer maximum flexibility in file transfer and strive to meet your individual requirements. Here are some alternative transfer methods that we also support:
- As a rule, we send the transcriptions by e-mail, but we can also implement any of the variants mentioned above.
- Transmission as a password-protected ZIP file (the password can be sent by telephone or e-mail).
- Provision of a link to the files in your cloud storage or on your own server.
- Transfer via another cloud provider of your choice (e.g. WeTransfer or Tresorit).
- Sending by post on a USB stick or similar data carrier.
These are just a few examples; we will also be happy to find the right solution for your individual requirements!
Order now
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If your organization requires a written quotation, please simply request one using our contact form. You will then usually receive a quote from us on the same day.
Nutzen Sie für die Beauftragung dieses Bestellformular. Alternativ können Sie uns Ihren Auftrag auch per Mail an kontakt@abtipper.de übermitteln.