abtipper.de is the market leader for the transcription of audio & video files. Our advantages:
- Fixed prices from 0.19 €/minute
- Qualified specialists
- Absolute confidentiality
- Top references:
for a non-binding offer
Thank you for your order!
You can now immediately transfer your files to abtipper.
Please click on the following button:
If you would like to submit your files at a later date, this is also possible. We have just sent you an e-mail for this purpose. In addition to an order overview, you will find the link for the secure connection, which you can use to upload your audio file. In any case, you will receive an order confirmation after the upload that we have received and checked your data.
We can process all audio and video formats. If you already have your data on your own account (e.g. your own server, YouTube, Dropbox), you can also simply send us your download link by e-mail to kontakt@abtipper.de.
Note: We will start processing your order (for a fee) once the data has been transmitted. Our General Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy, the Cancellation Policy and the information on complaint periods apply to this.